Julia Lenart

Annual medical checkup

People should be aware of their health and have a regular medical checkup. In Austria the costs of this service are paid by public health insurance. Adults should have a checkup once a year.

What is a medical checkup?

The medical checkup makes sure that all bodily functions are working properly. The checkup consists of two stages. First, a blood and an urine sample are taken. In the second stage, the doctor runs several tests and then discusses the results with the patient. The blood test checks for blood sugar, blood fats, kidney and liver function and bone metabolism.

Furthermore, the medical checkup includes other examinations: a lung function test, an electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood pressure. Finally, the results of these tests are discussed by the doctor. Women can also ask for free gynecological checkups.

Important details

In order to get a blood sample, patients must come with an empty stomach to the first appointment (blood sampling). This means that the patient is not allowed to eat anything within twelve hours before the sampling (just water and unsweetened tea are allowed).

There is no appointment needed for the blood sampling. But for the second stage of the checkup, one usually needs an appointment. At this appointment, other tests are run and the results are being discussed by the doctor.

In Vienna there are more than 1.200 doctors who offer medical checkups. Everyone who is at least 18 years old and lives in Austria may have a checkup every year. The costs are completely covered by medical insurance companies.

Health is very precious and we should care much more about it. This service helps taking care of one’s health. People should take advantage of it.

You can ask for more information at: vu@sozialversicherung.at.

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