Julia Lenart

Digi-Winner – New funding program

Digital competences are becoming increasingly important. Those who are familiar with the digital world have clear advantages on the job market. With its new Digi-Winner funding program, the City of Vienna is focusing on improving digital skills among employees.

Digital is becoming increasingly popular

Anyone who cannot handle digital media today faces major disadvantages on the employment market. Companies and employers are relying on digital technologies. This trend naturally calls for new skills on the part of employees. If you want to compete in modern working life, you should be able to handle digital media and technology. But not everyone knows their way around new technlogies.

New funding program

For this reason, the Arbeiterkammer Wien and the City of Vienna have launched a new funding program: Digi-Winner. Employees who want to continue their digital education will receive up to €5,000 for their training and further education. Above all, older employees should benefit from this offer, as they are the ones who are disadvantaged the most by this fast technological development we are facing at the moment.

How to apply?

All Viennese citizens who want to continue their digital education are eligible for Digi-Winner. Those who want better qualifications (and thus the prospect of a higher salary) can register for training courses in the areas of IT, data security, social media and many others. You can apply for funding on the website of the Wiener ArbeitnehmerInnen Förderungsfonds (waff). The amount of the subsidy is calculated according to the income. A maximum of 80% of the course costs will be reimbursed.


Extensive knowledge in the field of digital technologies is now indispensable if you want to succeed on the job market. It is therefore worth investing in education.

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