
Student Job In Vienna

You are studying Bachelor, Master or you are doing University preparation courses and would like to find a suitable job allows you to enjoy your time, so you are in the right place, Vienna!

Are you allowed to work in Vienna?

If you are a student of one of the above mentioned studies then you are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week as per the Austrian laws by the AMS (Arbeitsmarktservice). However, you need an employment approval from the AMS in order to start working.

How to get the employment approval?

After you find a job, the employer must apply in the AMS on your behalf. The waiting period for the approval could be up to six weeks. Before a positive feedback you are not allowed to work, if you worked without this approval you will be consider as an illegal worker.

How to find a job?

In Vienna you have many ways to find a job;

  • Job Search Websites

You can find many websites offers you a free registration where you can build a profile for yourself, stating your educational achievements, work experiences and general information about yourself. The hiring company may check your profile and show interest in you. On the other side you can find a lot of job ads in those website and you can easily apply for the job which suits you the most.

Some of the most common searching machines in Vienna are stepstone, ngojobs, monster or karriere.

  • Personal applying

It is a common way also, that you take some hard copies of your CV and go personally to companies, shops, restaurants or offices and give them a copy of your CV in case they will need similar qualifications in future, or you will be maybe lucky and you find a company looking for someone exactly like you!


We at Wenedi wish you all the best in your searching process and advise you to write a well, genuine and motivated job application (Bewerbung) for your employer, try to impress them by highlighting you powers and experiences shorty, with a short introduction about yourself in general. In addition to that, be patient, it is not that easy thing to find a job in a city like Vienna, but also it is not impossible!

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